Love Poems

Eventually, You'll Understand I Love You Comments

Reader Comments
Name: John Quincy Adams2007-01-23
Considering how well Tony seems to know about trash and all things trashy, do we suppose he could do any better?
Name: bunny2007-03-09
Why are you insulting someones work? That's disrespectful and stupid. Someone needs to grow up!
good try
Name: lisa2011-03-02
it took me a while to work it out and then i was well and truely dissapointed when i did thanks for wasting my time you mo fo
to charity
Name: lisa uk2011-03-02
i agree with charity ,did'nt get anything from this at all has this guy ever truely been in love before?
Name: Bexx2010-07-12
I completely agree with you John Quincy Adams. Whoever wrote this doesn't deserve bad comments. They were simply venting
Love it
Name: Andrew2010-12-21
Wow this one is good.
hallmark cards
Name: not a poet2011-01-24
can't believe that this souless, beige, twee horseshit actually provides someone with a living.
poetry from someone who has clearly never really loved anybody.
Well done
Name: Emma2009-12-31
Beautiful poem... Keep it up!
Name: pure and simple2010-02-08
Man, you have amazing poetry.
You have so many different ways to express yourself. You style is kinda makes you a good way... :)

Great work! :D
Simple and too the point
Name: Walt2010-02-23
I liked how it was a imagry poem that really grows on you like the sap so planted
Really good
Name: Lotana2008-06-09
Thats pretty much exactly how I see an old friend.

Name: sophia alex2008-08-09
sorry but not good enough
Name: Allyson Schilze2009-02-05
It is moving, but it is some what sappy, ina weird, romantic, cool way.
Name: SamanthaMarie2009-03-14
I thought this was amazing, don't listen to them at all.
Truly beautiful. not corny at all.
Name: lizeth2009-05-11
well i like ur poem and that stupid tiny is just jelous cuz he cant xpress himself like u do. keep it up!@!;)
Name: Johhny K.2008-02-18
It doesn't rhyme... that's why Tony doesn't get it. It's ok Tony ;)
haha lol
Name: Jessykah brahh2008-03-05
you go quincy funny kid lol
corny is good
i like it !
Name: Charity2008-05-05
There was definitly no character or life in the poem.
Name: Charity2008-05-05
There was definitly no character or life in the poem.
Name: Marina2012-05-08
I had to read it twice to truly appreciate it. Intelligent, off beat, meaningful and quite becoming. I like it!
Name: Melloney2012-12-08
The geiuns store called, they're running out of you.
Name: Saad2012-12-09
es par šo jautājumu esmu domājusi gadiem un nonākusi pie secinājuma, ka mēs bieži jauacm mīlestību ar aizraušanos.Mīlēt, nozīmē spēju ne tikai domāt par konkrēto cilvēku, bet brīžam sadzīvot ar sajūtu, ka var sajukt prātā, idializēt šo cilvēku, lai gan ir skaidra apzināšanās, ka šis cilvēks nav ideāls. Tā ir nespēja aizmirst šo cilvēku vēl ilgi pēc šķiršanās, tā ir fantastiska prieka un sajūsmu deva nejauši satiekot šo cilvēku, ieraugot viņa ziņu telefonā vai saņemt zvanu Tas ir tiešām sarežģīti un nav viennozīmīgas atbildes, jo cik cilvēku, tik situācijas, bet es zinu vienu, ka daudzu attiecību laikā, kurās man ir licies ka esmu iemīlējusies un pasaulei gals, tikai pēc mirkļa saprotu, ka nekādas mīlestības tur nav tā nav mīlestība, ja mēnesi pēc šķiršanās tu jau esi noskatījusi kādu, aks varētu dziedēt tavu salauzto sirdi un esot kopā ar šo jauno cilvēku, vecā mīlestība pazūd kā nebijusi mīlēt nozīmē mīlēt un visbiežāk šīs mīlestības tā pa īstam no galvas nav iespējams izmest mūža garumā
Name: Eriika2012-12-10
Staycation is our only option. The mdacietion doesn't make me want to leave the house any more than I did when I first started taking it, it just makes putting up with the crap in my head, more bearable. Seriously though...just the thought of packing and getting situated with a toddler on an airplane makes me nauseous. Staycations rule at this point! *lol*
so good
Name: loved this poem2014-04-29
this was a beautiful poem... loved it, it is so moving
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