Love Poems

Ancient Love

How do I love Thee; Must I tell ye
Is it fair that the Ancients know
What we still search to find
A love that is truly rare and bright
Such as that mirror of the Sun’s light
The Moon while it travels about
Bound to another; nor pain nor delight
Without the Sun’s light it goes
As a ball of dust in the blackness cold
So is my need for Thy light.

Yet, the Sun shines on it as ever
Its rays pass on beyond our reach
For the Sun can not beholden long
Scorching are its Rays
The Moon yet shines with that perfect glow
Making all other light pale when it is full
The Rays that She reflects are more;
Wondrous to Behold

Many are those who pass beneath
The light of the Rays reflected so
For to linger long or short
The Rays are kind to all
Thus as the Rays are soft
So is my love for thee
And as the Moon is Ancient
So shall my Love Remain
Author Unknown
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Name: Charles2009-07-08
I definitely like the concept of this poem, it actually made me cry, but, perhaps thats cause I have my own unrequieted love, and it struck me at the moment, but, i agree, there is no beat to it, but, poems don't need that, you have to look at the poem from a certain angle to enjoy it, I suppose...
love it
Name: ellie2009-08-11
i love this poem. i feel it. it really understands what it is like.
i dont fully understand bits of it, but i dont care, i love it.
Name: what ever you want it to be2008-05-14
yeah it was pretty...but yet it really didnt have any was like you where day dreaming in one shakspears plays.
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