Love Poems

Open Doors and Windows, Books and Flowers

Open doors and windows, books and flowers,
Newly opened gifts of minds and hearts
Yearning for the emptiness of oceans
On which, in love and hope, you launch your music;
Undulating, searching, restless hearts
Rendering your ecstasies in music,
Eternal hunger sated now with flowers,
Now rolling on relentlessly as oceans;
Give everything away--all hopes, all music,
All of yourself cast into tumbling oceans,
Go naked in the silence of your hearts,
Even as you blossom into flowers.
Mouths cannot speak the glory of the oceans
Etched against the loveliness of flowers,
Nor can you know its fullness but in music
Through love, which inundates your waiting hearts.
Nicholas Gordon
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Name: Jean2012-12-08
Absolutely first rate and cpoepr-bottomed, gentlemen!
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