Love Poems

I Do Not Mean to Put Our Love on Hold

I do not mean to put our love on hold.
I really can't decide what I should do.
I don't like always running hot and cold,
But I don't know yet what I feel for you.

I am afraid of getting too involved
And then, perhaps, of causing greater pain.
It's easier to get this thing resolved,
Yet then I find I'm weeping once again.

If only life were walking on the beach,
Talking, laughing, holding honest hands,
With everything we want just out of reach,
And no sign of the lurking buts and ands.

If I could say just purely the word love,
Or bear to turn my back and say goodbye,
Then you and I could from this moment move,
And let ourselves at last rejoice or cry.
Nicholas Gordon
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I like your poem
Name: shorty2005-03-02
Thats the same way i be feeling to, niggaz that ive tal k to always want ot take the relationship to another level but i cant because i dont want to get myself in something that i cant get out. So shit yeah i agree with what you said!!!
nice poem
Name: nikki2005-12-08
That is exactly what i did with my boyfriend, i feel your pain! i really enjoyed your poem and it gave my confidence, i really hope you keep writing further down the road
Name: julie2007-02-13
i love this cuz it is just like me i dont want to say i love you cuz ive been hurt so many times before
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