Love Poems

Never Do the Clouds Convey the Weather

Never do the clouds convey the weather
In my heart. The Earth can teem with storms!
As long as you still love me, sunshine reigns.
Highs and lows, sweet days, and hurricanes:
All can come and go as my heart warms.
Don't I dance inside when we're together?

Give me your hand and let the long days slide.
Underneath them you will find our love.
Years accumulate like driven snow;
Happiness remains all snug below.
Know though stars may stop and mountains move,
I will sing my passion by your side.
Nicholas Gordon
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Reader Comments
good job
Name: holly mccartney2005-05-21
that was really sweet and open great job
Name: Ryo2012-07-15
Thanks for reading and roespnding to the posts. These aren't easy questions to answer these days, though I do like the kicking in the balls solution. But poetry works, too Keep in touch.
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