Love Poems

We Choose to Stay Together

We choose to stay together
Even though we're far apart,
Joined by the strong tether
Of the longings of the heart.

We could not face the pain
That giving up would bring,
And so we must sustain
Our love despite our suffering.

You are my sovereign princess,
Whom I will not betray,
Nor be your subject any less
Because you're far away.

Though rivers run as swift as deer
And mountains turn to dust,
I'll wait as year gives way to year
Because I simply must.
Nicholas Gordon
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Reader Comments
Name: Tonyy2012-04-30
It's like we ignor our deepest and most daimgang pitfalls within ourselves. I believe when you love yourself fully, you can take a verse from MJ's "man in the mirror" I see the kids in the streetWith not enough to eatWho am I to be blindPretending not to see their needs and when we do SEE, we heal the self inside out. I believe when we arm ourselves with Love, Joy is not far away and as we invite Joy in then Grace and Mercy become our closest friends. Motivation rushes in on the sideline and then before we know it our arms shake to extend our huggs of Mercy and lend Grace a hand. Bitterness no longer sits with us for a cup of coffee as we struggle to hide in the shadows of our own pain. Pain turns to effort and Effort lends itself to our need to be bigger than we could have ever imagined.
I think you hit a bu
Name: Tallin2016-07-22
I think you hit a bulsyele there fellas!
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