Love Poems


I am in love with him
To whom a hyacinth is dearer
Than I shall ever be dear.

On nights when the field-mice
Are abroad, he cannot sleep.
He hears their narrow teeth
At the bulbs of his hyacinths.

But the gnawing at my heart...
He does not hear.
Edna St. Vincent Millay
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Name: Hasan2013-02-20
Sorry to double post Tracey. The Hotel Britanique is in a great loaicton not far from the Louvre and right across the Seine and Notre Dame. It's quite a lively at area at night - I know you will have a wonderful time and I really was not much help at all. One of the most important things to have is a good street map - if you like I can send you a great one that all the Parisians carry. I also have a little guidebook I've printed up that may help. Just let me know and I can slip it in the mail. A bientf4t
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