Love Poems

Heart, We Will Forget Him

Heart, we will forget him,
You and I, tonight!
You must forget the warmth he gave,
I will forget the light.

When you have done pray tell me,
Then I, my thoughts, will dim.
Haste! 'lest while you're lagging
I may remember him!
Emily Dickinson
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Get the poem right
Name: sooz2005-03-06
Just to let you have the poem wrong. It actually goes like this: (only a few minor errors, but they certainly add up and change the whole poem's meaning!)

Heart! We will forget him!
You and I--tonight!
You may forget the warmth he gave--
I will forget the light!

When yo u have done, pray tell me
That i may straight begin!
Hast! lest while you're lagging
I remember him!
Name: bree2005-03-25
that was a great poem i loved it it helps me threw hard times it showed me which way to go and which way not to go thank you and be safe
soozs commant
Name: bree2005-03-25
you ant got to listen to that stupid hoe you did it the right wat ang your way
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